S-PRODUCTS was incorporated in 1985 in the Netherlands, The USA was formed in 1989 , in 2000 S-PRODUCTS ELECTRONICS ASIA was incorporated. We also have international offices and manufacturing facilities located in the U S A , Singapore, and The People’s Republic of China.
S-PRODUCTS is dedicated to the development, manufacturing, and shipment of the highest quality electronic products to customers located throughout the world. We have earned a worldwide reputation for innovating product design, extreme product reliability, on-time deliveries, and focus on customer’s and market requirements.
Since its initial formation as a manufacturer of thermocouple cables, probes, and thermometers, S-PRODUCTS has grown to become an industry leader in both analog and digital temperature transmitters. In 2000 S-PRODUCTS also started to do assembly work for third parties.
The company is currently developing and manufacturing electronic systems for voting machines, clearing systems, and railway safety systems. We currently have contracts with two Dutch Goverment-related high-profile companies. These contracts require us to comply with the highest, most stringent safety classifications in The Netherlands.
Soon after formation of S-PRODUCTS, an advanced technology, in-house research and development department at the Zevenhuizen facility was created. It is currently involved in the development of entrance-safety products using advanced iris-scan technology. With the increased emphasis on daily life safety, the ability to control access to buildings and buildings areas, hospitals, laboraties, offices, warehouses and apartment complexes - has become crucial for providing a safe environment. Production of these is expected within the near future. We anticipate that these new products will become an important part of our future production.